Saturday, March 24, 2012

Make A Joyful Noise

Tomorrow is my birthday.  I'll be 36 years old.

I posted yesterday on Facebook that we were having some financial difficulties.  I thought I would write a blog about clear my own head, to clarify to people what that means, and to inform people who truly care.  I asked people to pray, and many people responded that they would.  Our church reached out and helped us and we appreciate that more than they know.  So, what's going on?

I blogged a few weeks ago that I quit my job.  I am now a full time, stay at home mom.  I love being at home with Caleb.  I love being home when Cassidy and Matt get here after school.  I love the fact that I can care for my husband by caring for our home and he doesn't have to worry about much of anything anymore, with regards to that.  It took me a long time to get to the point where I knew this was where I was supposed to be.  I'm here now, and I love it.

Yesterday, I was supposed to have been paid my last pay check.  I was expecting $600+  to be deposited into my bank account.  I checked in the morning and it wasn't there.  I called the owner's husband and asked him what was going on with my pay check and he informed me that I was not getting my pay check until they could be sure that I no longer had anything that belonged to the office.

A few days after I quit, I cleaned out my purse and my wallet and I found $6.40.  With it, there were two receipts from certified mail that I had taken to the post office.  I knew this money belonged to the office.  I immediately wrote a check for the amount, stuck a note to it and put it in the mail.  That same day.  A few days ago, I was reminded that I needed to send back my parking pass.  I put it in the mail.  That same day.  I spent countless hours writing out instructions for things in the office and emailing them.  I talked on the phone with the Rochester office, giving them instructions on how to do billing and banking.  I made myself available every day for the practice, because I did walk out suddenly and I didn't want the other workers to suffer because I felt I had to quit.  I felt it was my duty to give them instructions to carry on so that at least they could do their jobs well and the patients would not have to suffer.

Apparently, Dr. Addams does not see things the same way that I do.

In an email I received yesterday, I was called untrainable, incompetent, awful and delusional.  I was informed that I would not be receiving my final paycheck until they are certain that everything that has been taken from the office has been returned.

Tomorrow is my birthday.

We had planned a party for tomorrow.  We can't have the party.  We used all of Craig's pay check this week toward our new minivan.  Thursday we had lots of money.  Today we don't.  If this had happened to us five years ago, I would be incredibly depressed.  But I'm not.


It would be one thing if we depended on the world to sustain our family.  We don't.  We depend on the Lord to be our Provider.  We are tithers.  We are givers.  The world doesn't own our money.  God does.  He owns a cattle on a thousand hills.  He supplies all of our needs.  Yes, I'm owed a lot of money.  Yes I was wronged by her.  God knows that.  He knows I've been faithful.  He knows what my family needs.

I reported Dr. Addams to the Labor Department for unpaid wages.  Part of me thinks that she didn't think I would do it.  I am trusting and believing that the person who takes care of this case will see the wrong that has been done to me.  I know that God will put those forms I sent yesterday directly into the hands of the right person.  I fully trust that that money will be restored because the Bible says that when the enemy steals from us, he must repay it back times seven.  That's my declaration over this whole situation.  I believe that what the Bible says is true.  And I stand on the promises of my God.

Yes, Dr. Addams can steal from me for a little while.  She can try to hurt my family.  She can try to steal from my children.  She can try to kill my joy.  She can try.

But I have a place to live.  My electricity is on. We have TWO vehicles, including a new van that God provided us with.  I have food.  I have a family.  I have a husband who will stand beside me through thick and thin.  My marriage is strong.  My kids are healthy.  And I am truly blessed.  She will not take away my joy.  She will not cause me depression.  She will not cause my praise for my Heavenly Father to cease.  HE is in charge in our family.  And HE is bigger than she is.

What better reasons do I have to make a joyful noise?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. What a powerful message, Nicole! Praise be to the Father, for he is mighty and he is bigger than the battle and he will NEVER forsake his children! Amen! I will continue to keep you all in prayer over this! Thanks to you as well Nicole, for being an inspiration to some of us that need to hear his word more and be reminded that he is there for us no matter how big or small the need!