Wednesday, March 28, 2012

If My People Who Are Called By My Name...

"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14

I will be the first to admit it--in the past, I have not led a great prayer life.  I was listening to Casting Crowns this morning and I had to listen to this song a few times because it was really speaking to my heart.  Look at the verse again.  It's a promise from God.  Yes, that's God speaking.  But it's a promise with a few conditions.  

God says, if His people, who are called by His name (that's us, Christians) will humble themselves and pray...

Humble themselves.  Hmm...  What does God mean by that?  Paul tells us in Romans 12:3 not to think of ourselves more highly than we ought.  I believe that is the key to humbling ourselves.  How many times in the past have you taken matters into your own hands?  I'm guilty of it, I'll admit.  There have been times when I've done things that I felt like I was "within my rights" to do, without consulting God first.  It's hard to let go.  Especially when we feel like we've been wronged or when someone has hurt us in some way.  But the Bible instructs us to leave everything in God's capable hands.  Like it or not, God knows more than we do.  He sees things from beginning to end.  He knows how each situation in our lives is going to turn out before we do.  So, why don't we let Him do it?  

Control.  From the time we are just babies, we fight for control in our own lives.  Quite often, when a toddler starts talking, one of their first words is "No!"  I know with my son Caleb, "No" is usually even spoken when he really means "Yes", just because he wants control.  

We're called to a higher way of life.  We are called to humble ourselves.  It's only when we realize that ultimately, God is the one in control anyway, that we can truly humble ourselves the way the Bible instructs us to.  When our lives are completely in the hands of our Heavenly Father, then we have humbled ourselves.  

Pray.  That's the second condition.  Prayer is as simple as just talking to God.  This needs to be an every day thing.  The Bible instructs us to pray without ceasing.  Does that mean that we need to pray CONSTANTLY?  No, I don't think that's what God wants us to do.  But He does want us to always be in a prayerful frame of mind.  He wants every day we live to be a constant conversation with Him.  I'm trying to get into the habit of waking up with a "Good morning, Lord", and then carry on that conversation as I go about my day.  It's not easy and it takes practice.  But that is my goal.  God wants to hear about everything.  When you talk to Him, you're spending time with Him. He LONGS to spend time with you.  He longs to hear what's on your heart.  Yes, He knows you inside and out.  He sees all of your thoughts.  But He wants you to tell him.  "What a beautiful day you've given us, Lord."  "I love you God."  My husband knows that I love him and I know that he loves me...that doesn't stop us from telling each other every day.  We love to hear the words.  And so does God.

Once you determine that you're going to pray, take some time to learn how to pray the right way.  Pray Scripture over your life.  There is power in praying Scripture.  Those are God's words, spoken back to Him.  My husband told me something that he heard on the radio once and when I got a hold of that truth, I was blown away:  The angels have one job.  Their job is to DO THE WORD OF GOD.  Did you know that?  So when we pray negatively:  "Why can't I do anything right, Lord?  Why is this happening to me?"  the angels don't know what to do because they don't follow those words.  Those aren't from God.  But when we pray the Word:  "God, I know the plans you have for me are good.  They are plans to prosper me and not to harm me.  They are plans to give me hope and a future."  "God, your Word says that when I tithe, you are faithful to pour out a blessing upon me that will be so much I won't be able to contain it",  the angels know exactly what to do!  They DO THE WORD OF GOD.  So, get into the Word and learn what it says and pray it back to God.  You'll see miracles happen in your life.  I know I've seen them happen in mine.

Turning from your wicked ways is hard.  People are generally good, but we all have sin.  Sin is sin is sin.  What is God putting His finger on in your life?  Whatever it is, repent.  God will forgive you.  Repenting is not only saying you're sorry, but it's actually turning away from the sin and never repeating it. Do that.  

And then...God will hear.  He will forgive.  And He will heal.  It's that easy.  What would happen if we did these things?  If we really prayed?  If we really humbled ourselves and if we really turned from our sins?  The results would be astounding.  

What do you need today?  What are you struggling with?  What situation do you desperately need an answer for?  God's promise has been made.  His promises are good and they are everlasting.  

I believe it's time for God's people to stand up.  Time for them to pray. 

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