Monday, December 22, 2008

So, what happened?

I know there are some of my buds who are dying to know what happened over the weekend. Did we get to go to Windsor for our Christmas with Craig's family?

The answer is a resounding YES!

We racked our brains trying to think of everything we possibly could think of. It was really frustrating. My daughter was, by far, the best at maintaining her faith. She kept telling us all to stop saying IF we go because we were going. Even though she couldn't see the end result yet, she knew! We exhausted every possible resource. Finally, my mom agreed to give us our Christmas money early. Craig talked to Enterprise Saturday morning and they were all out of cars. Unless they got a cancellation. And then we find out that they actually needed TWO cancellations because they were already short a car. At 11:00, we were told if they got any cancellations, they would call us.

At 11:30, they called and said if we could get there by noon, they had a car for us. I called the cab company and it was $40 for a cab from Corning to Elmira. It's about a 20 minutes drive. That was ridiculous. So, I called our neighbors and asked them if Craig could get a ride. Lo and behold, our neighbor's response was, "I'm going that way anyway. We'll leave in a few minutes." About an hour later, Craig came back with our rental car. I got everything all packed up while we were waiting and when Craig came home, we packed up the car and left.

God is so good! Even though things looked bleak, God came through for us. We even realized that Craig lost that $20 tip he got from work on Friday. The one we thought was a beginning answer to our prayers? Satan thinks he can steal our stuff and it's just not going to happen.

I hope you'll be encouraged by this story today. I'm so thrilled with how good my God is.

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