Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me...

Why is it that when we quote certain Bible verses, they sound better or even just happen to come out in King James?  Oh, well...I'm getting off track with this before I even start...

So, it has been brought to my attention (again) that I have a problem.  I love sleep.  I mean, I LOVE sleep.  During my single days (both in college and after my separation) people would say to me, "Why do you sleep all the time?)  It wasn't that I was depressed, although there might have been a point in my life when I was and sleep was a welcome escape...at least for a little while.  Now things are much different.  It's very rare to find me napping in the middle of the day when Caleb naps only because that's become the time I usually try and get my work done for the day.  Now, my love for sleep has become pushing the snooze button a hundred times or telling myself at night that I'm going to get up nice and early so I can have some time to myself, only to re-set the alarm for the last possible second after it goes off the first time to help Craig get up for work.

I knew that this behavior had to stop.  Not only was I standing in my own way of getting a lot of things done around the house, but I was also putting sleep into a position of being an idol in my life.  So, Craig and I had a conversation about my wake up schedule the other night.  He suggested (once again) that I get up when he does.  That way, I'd be okay with going to bed when he does and I might actually learn how to fall asleep at a decent hour.  It actually sounded pretty good to me.  So, I agreed that he would wake me up in the mornings before he went downstairs to get ready for work.

Today was day number one of my early wake up mornings.  When he woke me up, he turned the light on (I told him to do this ahead of time) and it took all of my might to make myself sit up.  Because we had an interruption of our sleep last night (a pipe broke next door and we were jolted awake by loud banging on our front door at midnight so they could shut the water off), I was SOOOO not feelin' the early morning.  But, I reminded myself that I could do anything one time, even if it meant waking up at 4:30 just to see how it goes.

"You need to get out of that bed.  Don't sit there too long or you'll go back to sleep."  Roger that.  I got up and went downstairs.  Craig was gone when I got downstairs and I was struck with a few thoughts:

Wow...it's peaceful right now.
That coffee smells great.
I need to do my devotions while it's quiet.
How much of my OWN writing can I get done in these early morning hours?

I fixed a cup of coffee and began spending time with Jesus.  That time was sweet, indeed.  It felt like the most absolute perfect way to begin my day.  It had been a long time since I've sought the Lord in the early morning hours like that.  After I had finished my breakfast, I started writing and I actually got two chapters finished--all before it was even time to wake the kids up for school!

This has been a great morning, so far.  Yes, I'm a little tired.  I might sneak in a tiny snooze this afternoon due to my abrupt wake up call last night at midnight.  But...I might not too.  I'm going to spend the rest of the morning hanging out with Caleb and doing a little bit of housework.

And I'm definitely going to look forward to these early morning hours from now on.  This was a great idea, Honey.

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