Friday, July 13, 2012

Last Post Before Moving

This is my last blog before we move to a new apartment.  We've lived here for three years.  I have to say that for the most part, those three years were pretty good.  Although the past few months have been challenging, this little duplex we've called home has been a nice place to live.

The house we're moving to is still a half a house.  It's smaller in size but I think it will be better for our family, at least for a little while.  It will be nice to not have to deal with the "issues" we've been dealing with for the past few months.  It will be nice to be able to sit and write for a few hours at a time without interruption.  It will be nice to end my evenings relaxing with my husband instead of doing other things to manage problems in the house.

Still, I'm a little bit nostalgic as I think about all that we've been through here.  This was the place where Craig and I first kind of got a handle on taking care of our family the way we needed to.  He got a good job when we came here to live.  This was where we moved when I was pregnant with Caleb.  And this is the home where we brought our baby home for the first time.  We've had three Christmases here.  We've had one Thanksgiving here.  We've had countless fires in the backyard, roasting marshmallows and making smores.  We've had a lot of laughter here.  We've had some sorrow here.

I'm getting ready to unplug the Internet so I can go to the new apartment, where I'm hoping Time Warner won't take too long to show up and turn on our Internet, cable and phone there.  This is only a temporary situation.  And although I really do like the new apartment, I'm looking forward to the day when we finally have a house to call our own.  A house that we choose, to finish raising our family in.  This is a new chapter of our lives, that begins in less than 24 hours.  I know God has great plans in store for our family.

He always does.

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