I felt that it was important to stretch my creative writing muscles, now that I'm writing factual content every day. I certainly wouldn't want to get weak in the area of coming up with entertaining and stimulating blog posts. That would be just terrible.
So, here I am. And I figured that maybe the best thing for me to write is just an update of how life is in these parts nowadays. The hardest part is figuring out where to start. Forgive me if these news updates are somewhat out of order. Sometimes stuff happens so fast and the blessings just come in droves. That having been said, let's get started.
The first awesome blessing was that I finally got my final paycheck from Dr. Addams. It took a report to the Department of Labor, but I got it. And the timing was perfect. We had a really large NYSEG bill due that must have been from the coldest part of the winter. The check was almost enough to cover the entire bill. That was a huge blessing. And I'm humbled by that blessing because I stressed out about it so much but, God knew exactly when we were going to need that money the most and He provided it at just the right time.
Secondly, we were really disheartened when we found out that we weren't going to get a refund from the state of Pennsylvania this year after we did our taxes. We had planned on getting a new minivan and really needed that money. Praise God, He provided the money we would need and He picked out just the right van for our family. And, to top it off, we ended up having our taxes done for free because of the mistake made by the company. So, we did get a little more money in our pockets. Even if we didn't get the refund. God provided, again, at just the right time.
I was given God-given inspiration to write almost as soon as I quit my job. I began writing a story, which I have dedicated in advance to the women who work at the Southern Tier Pregnancy Resource Center. The work they do there is so powerful and I think they go unnoticed by far too many people. I posted the first few chapters of my new book in the earlier posts of this blog. Check it out, if you haven't already. Along the lines of writing, I have started writing content for companies in need of articles for a website. This has been a very rewarding experience for me. Not only am I getting a paycheck to write, but I'm WRITING. And, that is so important when you're a writer. Too many writers sit and wait for the inspiration to come to them. The key is to write. Write anything! And suddenly, you're writing what you love.
I guess the final thing I'll report on is Cassidy's recent acceptance into the State National American Miss Pageant. We took her to Syracuse this past weekend for the Open Call and we received the phone call on Monday night that she got in. She is beyond thrilled and I can't wait to see how many doors this opens for her. She will have the opportunity to compete in Rochester in August and if she wins, she'll move on to the National Pageant in Hollywood. I don't want to get ahead of ourselves. But, we're so excited that she'll be learning so many awesome things just by attending the training they offer. She's blossoming into a beautiful young lady. I'm so proud of her.
Whew! I guess that's enough for now. Kids are healthy. I'm happy to be home. Craig is happy to have me home. And of course, God is good and ever-faithful. I can't ask for more than that.