I still can hardly believe it.
For those of you who wonder about due dates, I'm not 100% sure. According to the websites I've checked, I'm due December 17. But I don't know that I ovulated when you would during a normal cycle. I was in the ER a month ago with some throat issues and before they did a chest x ray, they did a pregnancy test (pee test) and it was negative. So, I'm not sure how pregnant I really am. I'm sure they will do an ultrasound soon and I'll know more then.
I bought the test on a whim last night. I had gone to the doctor (regular medical) for some breathing issues and she gave me some prescriptions. I walked across the street to Rite Aid to get them filled and wandered around the store. I wandered to the pregnancy tests. These were my thoughts:
"Man, this is day 51 of my cycle. I've never had such a LONG cycle. Something isn't right."
"If I buy a test, Craig is going to kill me."
"How many of these tests have I bought and taken only to find that they're negative? I'm just setting myself up for disappointment."
But, in the end, I put it in with my prescriptions. I went home and had to pee so bad by the time I got home it wasn't funny! Haha. I went straight upstairs and did the test. The "test" window had a line in it before it even got to the "control" window. I couldn't believe it. I glanced at it as I was cleaning up and thought, "No way!" There it was, plain as day! I have waited so long to see that positive test!
When Craig got home, I had him sit down. He looked a little panicked. I just kind of looked at him with this big smile on my face and said, "I'm pregnant." He said, "What? No way." I showed him the test and the instructions on how to read the test. He started crying and hugged me.
This morning, I said, "You know, you already think you're the man...now you REALLY think you're the man, don't you?"
He said, "Yeah, well...I'm pretty impressed with myself." Haha
But, and this cannot go without being said, God gets all the glory. I was on Clomid for five months with no pregnancy. I asked God to bless me with a baby this year and He told me that He would. What God says He will do, HE WILL DO! There is no doubt about that in my mind. God is good and He is all-powerful and He is moved by our faith!!
I'm so thankful and so in awe right now. And it's an honor and a pleasure to share it with you all!